W E L C O M E !!
Currently 443 MP3s of the original SID 6581 and 8580 chips available.
All tunes are recorded from HardSID card and encoded at 256kbps in mono.

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DateTitleArtistTimeYear / Copyright Chip     Size
2006/04/04SidesaddleJose Luis (Rolemusic)1:49© Rolemusic6581 R23 MB
2006/04/04The Return of the SidesaddleJose Luis (Rolemusic)2:48© 2004 Rolemusic6581 R24.4 MB
2006/04/04Sidesaddle and its Amazon LoveJose Luis (Rolemusic)1:43© Rolemusic6581 R22.7 MB
2006/12/24BlaxStello Doussis3:33© S. Doussis & M. Schneider6581 R25.8 MB
2008/02/04Elder DragonMichal Relkowski (Daf)3:49© 1998 Samar Productions8580 R56.7 MB
2008/02/04Computer Art FestivalMichal Relkowski (Daf)1:41© 1995 Samar Productions8580 R53 MB
2008/02/04Menhir CompoMichal Relkowski (Daf)2:21© 1995 Samar Productions8580 R54.2 MB
2008/03/13Tired 2 LoveAri Yliaho (Agemixer)2:35© 1999 Scallop8580 R54.3 MB
2008/01/29Al-QaekeudaAri Yliaho (Agemixer)3:55© 2002 Scallop8580 R56.7 MB
2008/03/13GSM InterruptAri Yliaho (Agemixer)3:17© 1998 Scallop8580 R55.9 MB
2006/03/23LightspeedAri Yliaho (Agemixer)5:31© 2001 Scallop8580 R59.3 MB
2006/03/23Eternal LightAri Yliaho (Agemixer)4:07© 1998 Scallop8580 R57.6 MB
2006/10/24ArmadaReyn Ouwehand1:17© 1989 Scoop Designs6581 R22 MB
2006/10/24NebulasThomas Bendt (Scortia)2:42© 1990 Scortia8580 R54.9 MB
2007/04/01Hard GlideThomas Bendt (Scortia)2:57© 1990 Scortia8580 R55.1 MB
2006/10/24CanesThomas Bendt (Scortia)1:42© 1990 Scortia8580 R53 MB
2007/04/01Thai MythThomas Bendt (Scortia)2:29© 1990 Scortia8580 R54.5 MB
2008/09/15AfterburnerJeroen Tel / Maniacs of Noise5:27© 1989 Sega6581 R28.1 MB
2008/09/15Afterburner (Super Stripe)Jeroen Tel / Maniacs of Noise2:42© 1989 Sega6581 R24.7 MB
2006/10/18ElectrifiedNeil Voss (Sequencer)3:07© Sequencer6581 R24.7 MB
2006/10/18Art & Music Compo #7Neil Voss (Sequencer)3:24© 1991 Sequencer6581 R25.4 MB
2006/10/18Aural SexNeil Voss (Sequencer)2:53© Sequencer6581 R24.5 MB
2006/10/18Technique - The EndNeil Voss (Sequencer)4:21© Sequencer6581 R26.9 MB
2006/10/18Mr. Seagull's VoyageNeil Voss (Sequencer)7:11© Sequencer6581 R212.1 MB
2006/10/18SundownNeil Voss (Sequencer)3:16© Sequencer6581 R25.2 MB
2006/05/13Point of ViewNeil Voss (Sequencer)3:31© Sequencer6581 R25.4 MB
2006/10/18TerrstrNeil Voss (Sequencer)4:19© Sequencer6581 R27.3 MB
2006/10/18LegendaryNeil Voss (Sequencer)3:20© Sequencer6581 R25.7 MB
2006/10/18Road RaceNeil Voss (Sequencer)3:28© Sequencer6581 R25.6 MB
2006/10/24Shape RemixReyn Ouwehand4:41© 1989 Shape6581 R27.6 MB
2006/10/24Shape IntroReyn Ouwehand2:49© 1989 Shape6581 R24.5 MB
2007/10/24Airwalk 98Glenn Rune Gallefoss5:02© 1998 SHAPE / Blues Muz'6581 R28.1 MB
2006/03/18Electronic TransferGlenn Rune Gallefoss3:46© 2001 SHAPE / Blues Muz'6581 R26 MB
2007/10/24AirwalkGlenn Rune Gallefoss2:33© 1994 SHAPE / Blues Muz'6581 R24.5 MB
2007/10/24Airwalk IIGlenn Rune Gallefoss2:54© 1994 SHAPE / Blues Muz'6581 R25.4 MB
2006/03/18GRG in CyberspaceGlenn Rune Gallefoss3:45© 1999 SHAPE / Blues Muz'6581 R26 MB
2006/06/02Shavitt 06Guy Shavitt4:55© 1992 Sidchip Scratchers6581 R28.5 MB
2006/06/02Hexagone 6Guy Shavitt2:14© 1990 Sidchip Scratchers6581 R23.9 MB
2006/06/02Sidchip Music Score 12Guy Shavitt2:03© 1991 Sidchip Scratchers6581 R23.6 MB
2006/03/18SYS4096Juha-Matti Hilpinen (AMJ)2:49© 1995 Side B6581 R25.1 MB
2006/03/18selfmade.exe/amjJuha-Matti Hilpinen (AMJ)3:15© 1996 Side B6581 R25.5 MB
2007/12/26GriffieTero Hilpinen (TBB)3:19© 1991 Side B / Death Sector6581 R25.8 MB
2007/12/26ViidakkoTero Hilpinen (TBB)3:12© 1996 Side B / Extend6581 R25.4 MB
2007/12/26OrivesiTero Hilpinen (TBB)2:59© 2002 Side B / Extend6581 R25.1 MB
2007/12/26Meanwhile The PlanetTero Hilpinen (TBB)3:12© 1997 Side B / Extend6581 R25.6 MB
2006/03/16Skaermtrolden HugoJens-Christian Huus1:23© 1991 Silverrock6581 R22.5 MB
2008/01/29Strobosphere 2 - Halfway ThereAri Yliaho (Agemixer)4:14© 2004 Skalaria8580 R57.6 MB
2008/01/29Da Shit (Eastwood Jack's Red..)Ari Yliaho (Agemixer)2:26© 2004 Skalaria8580 R54.3 MB
2008/05/06Crush (intro)Tufan Uysal (SoNiC)5:32© 1998 Smash Designs8580 R59.3 MB
2008/03/03The 2nd Moment (Beergarden Dub)Tufan Uysal (SoNiC)4:52© 2001 Smash Designs8580 R58.5 MB

L A T E S T    N E W S

2007/11/17German language support added.
2006/04/20All tunes from 2006/03/15 to 2006/04/18 normalized to 0db, reencoded and reuploaded.
2006/03/29Thanks to Jan Lund Thomsen of Remix:Kwed:Org for sending his RSS generation code!
2006/03/16Switched to MP3 (256kbps mono) and got a new look and database.
2006/02/27Online!! Big THANKS to Dan Peddle of www.oth4.com for the webspace!

R E C O M M E N D E D    S I T E S

The High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC) - Commodore 64 music for the masses RKO: The Def Guide to C64 MP3 remakes. I bet you can't do this on a SID. Z80 Music Site, ZX Spectrum 48Kb Music. Beeper Music.

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