W E L C O M E !!
Currently 443 MP3s of the original SID 6581 and 8580 chips available.
All tunes are recorded from HardSID card and encoded at 256kbps in mono.

L A T E S T    N E W S

2007/11/17German language support added.
2006/04/20All tunes from 2006/03/15 to 2006/04/18 normalized to 0db, reencoded and reuploaded.
2006/03/29Thanks to Jan Lund Thomsen of Remix:Kwed:Org for sending his RSS generation code!
2006/03/16Switched to MP3 (256kbps mono) and got a new look and database.
2006/02/27Online!! Big THANKS to Dan Peddle of www.oth4.com for the webspace!

R E C O M M E N D E D    S I T E S

The High Voltage SID Collection (HVSC) - Commodore 64 music for the masses RKO: The Def Guide to C64 MP3 remakes. I bet you can't do this on a SID. Z80 Music Site, ZX Spectrum 48Kb Music. Beeper Music.

© 2006-2025 jme
Logo made by bod and alk